The Health Risk of Steroid Injections Are Not Worth the Downside

What a lot of men don’t realize is that trenbolone steroids the male body makes both male and female hormones – namely, testosterone and estrogen and that females do the same. The testosterone normally found in women is roughly one fifteenth that normally found in men. When the body-builder injects steroids, the brain sense the massive and excessive flood of hormones and it then does two things. First it immediately shuts down all further natural production of testosterone, and secondly it ramps up the making of estrogen to combat and balance out the testosterone to be what the brain feels is the correct balance to maintain good health.

That is why when the body-builders inject their illegal steroid products, they often also ingest an estrogen-blocker which stops the brain from causing increased levels of estrogen. So not only is the brain having to deal quickly with the flood of steroid hormones, and the testicles are put out of work from making any further testosterone, the body must also deal with struggle to regain a balance of hormones and all of nature’s intended balance has gone completely astray.

The prostate is very sensitive buy steroids online to wild fluctuations of testosterone, and by injecting the steroids any cancer found in the prostate can be become much more aggressive. Indeed the recipient of the injections can also himself become very aggressive as he is not accustomed to such large amounts of androgenic hormones arriving in the sudden hit. It is all fraught with danger, and it is highly recommended that men avoid this course of action at all costs.