What Are Blogs?

As you might have experienced, surfing the web was a fairly passive activity in the past. A habitual visitor – in the majority of cases- would surf a site, go through its contents, and proceed to the next https://siteswise.com/. That would be the end of his or her surfing experience. As folks became increasingly addicted to this new pastime called surfing, the number of sites on the net increased exponentially as well. Yet, there was something lacking. The website as such, was all designed to be a rather one-way informative medium. Till someone innovative discovered the creative art of blogging.

So what on earth, or shall I say, the World Wide Web, is blogging? For folks who are unfamiliar with this concept, blogging is a proactive approach of responding to website content with one’s feelings, thoughts, fears, opinions and comments. A web log, or quite simply, a blog is an area or a separate web page set-aside especially for this use.

Blogging has its roots in the concept of free speech, which has been one of the founding principles of the Internet. The first amendment to the American Constitution of 1787 guaranteed free speech to the American people and the press as well: